Following on from the success of the Mental Health Awareness Workshop URTU Learning held in Derby. We hosted a further two events, one in Northampton and one in Newport.
As with the previous workshop we had a great response from delegates wanting to attend the workshop. Mental Health Awareness is very key at present and it is great to see so many people taking it on board.
Nigel Williams from Manchester College ran the first of the two workshops in Northampton, and Kim Johnson from the CWU ran the second workshop in Newport, Wales.
This was the first training event that the project has hosted in Wales and will be the first of many.
Both workshops started with an informal session asking delegates to introduce themselves and find out what they wanted to achieve from the day. They then went on to run a quick quiz around Mental Health and some of the statistics around it.
Evidence suggest that 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions (taken from
In the afternoon the workshops went on to explain how to raise awareness of Mental Health within the workplaces and making sure that key policies are in place to support workers. It also looked at the Equality Act 2010 and the laws around protecting people with mental health issues.
The workshop was closed with an informal chat and a question and answer session. All the delegates attending enjoyed the day and said they had useful information which they could talk away with them. Most of the delegates have already signed up to attend the two day accredited Mental Health First Aider course the project are hosing in May.