For the road ahead
The United Road Transport Union (URTU) is a specialist road haulage, distribution and logistics trade union in the UK dedicated to serving the interests of workers in road haulage, distribution and logistics. We are an active union constantly campaigning, negotiating and lobbying to seek to ensure that members are properly rewarded for the skilled work they do.
If you work as a driver (HGV / LGV / lorry / van / forklift truck driver) or warehouse operative, the URTU is the union for you. Let us be there to represent you and stand up for your rights.
The union was first registered in 1890 as the United Carters Association. Over the years the organisation has undergone several name changes before taking its present day title in 1964.
It is a totally independent union and is not affiliated to any political party. URTU is affiliated to a number of trade union umbrella organisations and trade bodies throughout the world. Our influence is particularly strong in member countries of the European Union where we are represented on all the important labour movement committees and within political and government institutions.
Our firm foundations, based on a dedicated and experienced team of staff, will serve the industry well throughout the 21st century
Our Aim
URTU is a non-political organisation dedicated to advancing the interests of those workers connected with the road haulage, distribution and logistics industry.
It is our intention to improve pay and working conditions throughout the industry.
We want recognition of the vital contribution that the road transport industry and professional drivers in particular, make to the nation’s economy.
We want to ensure all those who employ road haulage, distribution and logistics workers understand their responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
We want equality of opportunity both for existing workers and those seeking to join the road haulage, distribution and logistics industry regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or creed.
We want to ensure, as far as is practicable, that appropriate opportunities exist in the road haulage, distribution and logistics industry for those who experience any form of disability.
Our Approach
Today, URTU is one of the smaller trade union organisations in Britain, shunning the mergers of recent years. URTU is now uniquely the only union dedicated to serving the interests of workers in the road haulage industry (including professional drivers, forklift truck drivers and warehouse operatives).
URTU is also a totally independent union and is not affiliated to any political party. URTU is affiliated to a number of trade union umbrella organisations and trade bodies throughout the world. Our influence is particularly strong in member countries of the European Union where we are represented on all the important labour movement committees and within political and government institutions.
We are the sole remaining and oldest established road haulage trade union in the UK and our firm foundations, based on a dedicated and experienced team of staff, as well as a growing membership, will serve the industry well throughout the 21st century.
Phone: 0161 486 2100
Email: info@urtu.com
Read the latest issue of the union’s Wheels magazine
United Road Transport Union
Visit the union’s dedicated website at; www.urtu.com
Ten reasons to Join the Union
URTU is the UK’s only specialist road haulage, distribution and logistics union.
You will be part of an organisation that negotiates improvements to your terms and conditions
Direct access to a URTU Regional Officer to offer support, advice and assist with discipline & grievance cases
Injury compensation cover if you have an accident or contract an industrial disease at work or an injury that results in absence from work. Win or lose, there will be no charge to you. If the claim should fail, the Union will indemnify you against any claim for costs made by the defendants or their insurers.
Access to free legal advice.
Protection and support should you ever face bullying, harassment or unfair treatment in the workplace.
Support to make your workplace a safer environment through your local URTU Health & Safety Representative.
Free training courses to keep your skills up to date and improve your knowledge.
Have a say in developing our URTU’s direction and policies
Be part of a union that actively promotes equality and tackles all forms of discrimination

Since 1890
History of our union
Here is a time line showing the important dates of our unions history from it founding in 1860 to present day.

For the road ahead
United Road Transport Union
Almond House
Oak Green
Stanley Green Business Park
Cheadle Hulme
0161 486 2100